Days Out Reviews

Zip World Days Out Review

Zip World Tower Review

After seeing a You Tube video for the UK’s newest coaster ride (operated by Zip World) at a disused colliery in Wales, myself and JJ borrowed the kids for the day and set off to Wales.

The Silver Hedgehog Rating:

7.7 Recommended

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Silverstone Interactive Museum

Silverstone Interactive Museum : Days Out Review

We had a free day during October Term 2021, so Term Hedgehog decided to venture to Silverstone and visit the recently opened ‘Silverstone Interactive Museum’ .The Museum does a superb job of explaining Silverstone’s heritage and providing a window on what it takes to make racing happen

The Silver Hedgehog Rating

8.3 Recommended

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Days Out Review Must Visit

The Holy Island Of Lindisfarne

The Hedgehog and friends recently took a trip out to the Holy Island Of Lindisfarne.
The island is located around 1 mile off the coast of Northumberland, and getting to the island is an adventure in itself. It can only be accessed by driving along a causeway across the sea…

The Silver Hedgehog Rating:

9 Must Visit

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